What We Do

Health in a Box (HIB)

This is a preventative and curative health measure that goes beyond the minimum of what a person needs for medical help. Preserving life is just as important to us as preventing the worsening of illnesses, and with ACORN, we help by delivering medical aids like First Aid kits, sanitary pads, malaria and TB test kits. 

But our help goes beyond a box, as we also aim to place a Medical Diagnostic Center with professional medical assistance on the camp site to address urgent health challenges.

Library in a Box (LIB)

This is a box filled with all kinds of books, from picture books to story books, for both children and adults alike. Our family at ACORN believe that every child should have the opportunity to receive education and enjoy the simple pleasures of reading. We provide supplies of boxes with books that help support children’s learning and development, as well as books that the adults can enjoy. 

We will continue to intervene by supplying boxes with story books which will help support children’s learning and development as well as Information Education Communication (IEC) Materials. Our UK volunteers continue to provide such books, and we are also able to offer scholarships to cover tuition for kids to nearby schools.

Skills Tool Box (STB)

This tool box helps to provide the equipment needed for those in the camps to learn basic life skills they were robbed off from having due to the trauma the crisis brought upon them. To help sustain themselves in the future, ACORN brings together pieces that can help teach basic life skills like baking, sewing, soap making and computer skills: lessons they can learn from and one day build businesses out of.  

Our aim is to equip those in the camps with life skills, so they can face life upon return to their homes.

WASH Project

Access to clean water and appropriate sanitation facilities are amongst the most urgent of all needs in camps and communities. 

To fight against illnesses and maintain good health, clean water must be available and proper sanitation must be provided. We are offering these provision through boreholes to local communities and water filtration kits to camps. This in turn gives them opportunities to turn their camps into temporary homes and habitable communities that houses things all human beings deserve to have.

Enhancing Growth in Needy Communities

United Kingdom​

Registered Charity Number 1185516

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