A.C.O.R.N. INITIATIVEA – Assisting persons who have been physically displaced,
mentally distressed and emotionally desolated
in camps and shelterCONTINUE THE JOURNEY -
A.C.O.R.N. INITIATIVEC - Creating positive platforms and hope to enable
those children in shelters and troubled
communities to thriveCONTINUE THE JOURNEY -
A.C.O.R.N. INITIATIVEO – Offering opportunities to improve academic,
mental and emotional wellbeing through
workshops and scholarships.CONTINUE THE JOURNEY -
A.C.O.R.N. INITIATIVER – Restoring and improving the overall health care
in troubled communities by providing
basic access to water, food and good lifeCONTINUE THE JOURNEY -
A.C.O.R.N. INITIATIVEN – Nurturing every child by your giving
is like an Acorn seed that will become an Oak Tree.CONTINUE THE JOURNEY
Outlining Our Vision
ACORN Initiative began in mid-2016 after the Agatu crisis in Benue state which started in late February 2016 that left over 500 people dead. This was as result of the farmers-herdsmen clashes. It is believed that the attacks were committed in retaliation for the killing of Fulani cows by the residents of the community who claimed that the cows were led to destroy their farm lands by the Fulani’s, thus leading to massive displacement and relocation of dwellers in that community to IDP camps set up by the government. Such similar attacks have occurred in several communities in Benue Valley, North Central and in Nigeria as a whole.
Over 8 camps were set up amongst other shelters, both by the State Government and the UNHCR to cater for the locational needs of the displaced. This paved way for well-meaning individuals and other organizations to move in and provide relief.
ACORN initiative’s ultimate vision is bringing the displaced back to their homes, to restore hope to the distressed and to refill the desolated with opportunities.
The passion behind this vision also draws from the fact our Founder comes from the located Benue Valley, and seeing the conflict bring so much destruction to what he once called “home”, has caused an emotional turmoil that he has turned into a duty for others to help. They say, “Charity starts at home”, and with ACORN, it does.
This vision is result oriented and hopes to Assist, Create Opportunities, Restore and Nurture growth. We aim to provide relief for the Benue Valley people, and to make sure that they are not forgotten or left behind. We will plant opportunities for them basic medical facilities, food and clean water. Together, we will grow a seed that yields fruits of skills, education, hope and confidence.
What is the ACORN Initiative?
We are a charity focused on helping grow communities who have been left displaced, distressed and desolated. Our works are mostly felt in the North Central Region of Nigeria, but especially around Benue State.
We believe that every life should be valued and that everyone deserves basic human rights. It is with sadness that we say everyone does not share this belief. There are unfortunate communities who are left with nothing as a result of farmers and herdsmen clashes. Such event started in February 2016, and since then, these are the unbelievable consequences it has caused:
- Over 7M people displaced in Nigeria
- Over 375,000 people displaced, and 288,450 children are currently trapped in Benue State.
The ACORN Initiative not only sees the aftermath of such horrific events as unjustifiable, but sees the urgency in providing help to those severely affected by using our tailored programs like HIB, LIB, STB and WASH.
“The conditions at the IDP camp our team visited in Benue State were far worse than anything I had seen in Iraq.” by William J. Murray, Chairman Religious Freedom Coalition
Video credit : NPAC Nigeria
Facilitating Growth in Needy Communities
United Kingdom
Registered Charity Number 1185516